Judge Sends Kids to Jail Because they Wouldn’t have Lunch with Dad

 In Family Law

It is rare in a divorce case for a Judge to throw one of the parties in jail.  It practically unheard of for the Judge to throw the kids in jail.  That is precisely what Oakland Judge Lisa Gorcyca did when she threw 3 kids ages 15, 10 and 9 in jail for the summer.  The Judge found that the mother was essentially alienating the kids from their father.  At one point Judge Gorcyca noted that their mother’s actions were very much like cult leader Charles Manson and urged the kids to research Mr. Manson.  The kids will remain in jail for the remainder of the summer and their mother is barred from seeing them until they are let out.

Parental Alienation is a very problem.  Having an experienced attorney can help if you believe that your children are being alienated by their other parent.  Contact one of our experienced attorneys at 734-397-4540


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